Introducing The Education Consultancy Partnership
We’re excited to share with you the newly branded ECP. Bringing together the expertise of myself, Andrew Southey, as chartered architect, and my partner Andrew Davies, chartered surveyor, we provide a hybrid combination of surveying and architecture experience exclusively for the education sector.

Our mission is to use the expertise we have built up over the last 20 years and that of our team to guide education institutions through building projects end-to-end, with the goal of delivering inspiring learning environments for pupils and students.
We understand that overseeing and completing building projects can be challenging for schools, but our expertise means we are perfectly placed to make this process as seamless and as successful as possible.
We have worked with several schools and multi-academy trusts to assists with diagnosing building defects alongside designing and project managing new buildings. Although ECP is newly formed, our partners bring with them several live school projects at varying stages from planning and design through to the last few weeks of the construction phase.
Our expertise means we can help you navigate the funding process to obtain the budget you need for projects. In the latest round of CIF bidding, we were able to obtain funding for every academy that we made a bid for – a success rate of 83%.
We would be delighted to discuss with you this experience and how we can guide you with objectives you have for your learning environments. Please visit our Contact Us page for details on how to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Introducing The Education Consultancy Partnership

We’re excited to share with you the newly branded Education Consultancy Partnership – ‘ECP’. Bringing together the expertise of myself, Andrew Southey, Chartered Architect, and my partner Andrew Davies, Chartered Surveyor. We provide a hybrid combination of surveying and architecture experience, exclusive for the education sector.
Our mission is to use the expertise we have built up over the last 20+ years, and that of our team, to guide education institutions. We support on building projects end-to-end, with the goal of delivering inspiring learning environments for pupils and students.
We understand that overseeing and completing building projects can be challenging for schools. With our expertise, we are perfectly placed to make this process as seamless and as successful as possible.
We continue to work with several schools and multi-academy trusts. We assist with diagnosing building defects alongside designing and project managing new buildings. From the commencement of ECP, our partners brought with them several live school projects at varying stages. From planning and design, through to the last few weeks of the construction phases. We have continued to work effortlessly on multiple projects since, and out portfolio of projects is now vast.
Our education related expertise also means we can help navigate the funding processes to obtain budgets needed for projects. In previous rounds of CIF bidding, we were able to obtain funding for every academy that we made a bid for – a success rate of 83%.
We would be delighted to discuss how we can guide you with objectives you have for your learning environments. Please visit our Contact Us page for details on how to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.